Tag Archives: friendship

October 06

Straddling Jesus – The Sisterwives Do Dallas

You know those experiences that you look forward to and create such enormous expectations of, that the actual event doesn’t stand a chance? The Sisterwives meet up was NOT one of those. It began when Lizzi, our beautiful Brit, hatched her plan to travel to ‘Murica and meet dozens of beloved online friends. We formed a […]

June 22

Seven Simple Tips To Make Her Happy

Each month, the SisterWives have dedicated at least one day to getting inside the mind of a man, three men actually, when we invite our favorite male bloggers to enlighten us on some of the things we (I’m speaking for women here) question about them. We haven’t necessarily played fair though, so today, I’m opening […]

January 21

Getting To Know Them….

      Monday we announced the three new SisterWives who bravely agreed to join our fold, so we thought it might be nice for all of you to have a chance to get to know them a little. Aside from the posts they have written here, these women are a powerhouse of talent in […]

January 19

Introducing…New SisterWives

When women support each other, amazing things happen. We started this blog with a goal of reaching out to other people, both women and men, and offering our support. Along the way, we’ve received an abundance of support in return. We always knew we wanted to grow the SisterWives eventually but wanted to work out […]

July 31

We All Shine On – Helena Hann-Basquiat

Sometimes people write so vividly their character detaches itself from the page and begins to live in your mind, giving you clues to the writer’s spirit. Even when the writer is a self-confessedly covert operator, such as our guest today, it can be possible to build a genuine relationship with the person at the other […]

July 03

Above the Storm

The other day I sat outside at a small café and watched a bird flying into the wind. I sat transfixed as she dipped down and then up all the while flapping her wings to no avail. She just flew in place, never even moving an inch. Eventually, she conceded to the fierce and wild […]

June 26

What We’re Doing, And How We’d Like YOU To Be Involved

‘The Sisterwives’ is what happens when nine women decide that alone they are enough, but together they are stronger. We began as a support group on Facebook. A safe haven to check in throughout the day. To find support. To post our joys, our sadness, our triumphs and our pain.   It was a little miracle. […]

June 23

Who we are, and how we came to be

We met, as people in the Blogosphere are wont to do, via happenstance, serendipity and mutual friends. In one corner of the Universe, Samara and Jennie had become enchanted with one another’s words, and declared each other “Sisterwives.” In other corners of the Universe, in spite of the Atlantic Ocean, Lizzi and Beth were having […]