Category Archives: Sandy

the letter April 30

The Letter

Take me to church I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.  ~  Hozier   As part of my therapy when I got sober I was told to […]

self worth challenge September 23

Baby, Look At You: The Challenge

Yesterday, I wrote a post about self worth and how we are our own worst critics. The responses really weighed on me and I felt as though I ‘opened a can of worms’ as it was so aptly put by one of my fellow Sisterwives. I know we are a group that writes on the […]

self worth September 22

Baby, Look At Me (and tell me what you see)

Self-worth (noun): the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect. Self-judgment. We are taught, or at least advised, not to judge others. So, then, why do we judge ourselves? As humans we make mistakes and, in a case of negative self-worth, we don’t shrug it off and carry on; judgment […]

finding fault July 21

Finding Fault

**TRIGGER WARNING: RAPE, ASSAULT, VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN** Seventeen is different for everyone. In a perfect world, it is a successful last year of high school, fun with friends, planning a future. I am quite sure no one ever envisions having a part of their soul stolen. Lost, never to be found. My mother had accepted […]