A Labor Day Highlight Reel (according to Mandi)

Every article that we publish means something to us. The story grabs us and makes us think, makes us laugh, sometimes makes us cry. Writing is often the result of bleeding one’s soul onto paper, and we’ve seen a lot of blood here. Beautiful, gripping, powerful blood.

Today, I’m offering you a little bit of a highlight reel of some of my favorite posts. While you eat your hot dogs and burgers, and soak in that last whisper of the summer’s sun, enjoy a few of the stories that still live deep within me.

Jennie Saia was once a fellow SisterWife. She now commands the classroom as she works diligently toward her graduate degree. I have no doubt wherever she lands in life, she will make a tsunami sized impact. I’ve known her for just a short time, and she’s left her mark on me.  Here’s a story she wrote about her father, one that still echoes in my mind sometimes. The writing, the story. And coincidentally, it references Labor Day.

I’m the Sea King’s Daughter

Having a mother who suffers from dementia, I could relate so much to this next story. When your mother is quite literally losing her mind, one must find comfort wherever she can. Lynne wrote this touching piece for us and referenced the last song Glen Campbell recorded. In the song, he speaks to his family about how his decline with Alzheimer’s will hurt them but not him. I urge you to read this piece and listen to the song.

I’m Not Gonna Miss You

Anyone who knows me a even a little bit knows I’m a sucker for romance. I mostly find it in novels, but when I read this next post, my heart got all giddy and fluttery like it does when I read about a first kiss, and I fell head over heels in love with this writer. She makes words flow in a way that only a true writer can, which might be the reason she is an award winning author for Miss Mabel’s School For Girls. She’s  also a fairly new mom to a sweet little boy who’s father tipped her hotness scale.

Hotness Scale Rebel

I hope you’ve enjoyed a little throw back to some of my favorites. Please have a happy and safe holiday.

***I did not warn the writers of these posts that I was going to highlight their pieces, so please forgive them if they are unable to respond to comments.***