
I am a woman and proud to wear the title.

I am a mother to two beautiful, amazing and clever children.

I am a sister, a daughter, an aunt, and a damned good friend.

But above all else, I am Mandi.

I laugh loudly, smile generously, and love abundantly. I am strong and free and relish in warm joyful moments.  I am wild, and daring, and young at heart.

I approach life with my glass “half full.” I try to see the sunshine through the clouds, to find joy in sorrow, to seek laughter through my tears. When the clouds and the tears win, I pound out my frustrations on the black and white keys of my piano, have a dance party in my kitchen, or I distract myself with words and escape into a fictitious world spawned from someone’s colorful imagination, and often that imagination is my own when I sit at my computer, and I write.

When the world seems to stop spinning, and the wind won’t catch my sail, I turn to my people; my funny, clever, talented, amazing people who build me up and allow me to do the same for them.

And often, those people are the beautiful and brilliant women who I revere, my SisterWives.


Alone we are enough, but together we are stronger.

I am Mandi.

I am a SisterWife!


Connect with me here:  Blog/Twitter/FaceBook/Instagram